Thysanoptera of Japan


Parabaliothrips betulaceae Masumoto & Okajima, 2020

和名: - 

本種は本州中部山地のカバノキ属やハンノキ属の葉に見られる。ネパール、マレーシア及び台湾に分布するP. coluckus (Kudo, 1977)、台湾に分布するP. robustus Masumoto & Okajima, 2020とよく似るが前胸背板の前縁角刺毛がやや短く前縁刺毛の0.5-0.6倍の長さであること、通常触角第5節の先端1/3が曇る点で異なる。

This species is distributed in the mountainous areas of central Honshu and feeds on the leaves of Betula spp. and Alnus spp. It is simiar to P. coluckus (Kudo, 1977) distributed in Nepal, Malaysia and Taiwan, and P. robustus Masumoto & Okajima, 2020 distributed in Taiwan, but it can be distinguised from the latter two species by the pronotum with anteroangular setae shorter, 0.5-0.6 times as long as anteromarginal setae, and antennal segment V with distal third usually shaded.

  • Female


